Silvia Percussi was born in Florence and lives in Pistoia. She has exhibited throughout Italy for many years. Growing up in a family of painters and musicians, she found it natural to communicate the rhythmic flow of life through images. For some time, she has experimented by focusing on rhythmic structures and a limited palette, enriched by a jumble of assembled materials, where metallic effects or ordinary canvas and corrugated cardboard surfaces are used for their chromatic and tactile value along with their intrinsic evocative power. Mindful of the most rigorous classical abstractionism, the layout in Silvia's compositions is often reduced to the use of merely lines, circles, squares, and rectangles, primordial elements in a quest for harmony and balance. In Silvia's compositions, they seem to suggest a simple process, a metaphor for a lifestyle: in a field preordained by horizontal and vertical coordinates, few elements move, confirming their infinite possible combinations, in pursuit of a sustained contemplation, a balance of solid and void, light and shadow, sincerity and artifice. Looking at one of Silvia’s work involves reliving, and mentally fulfilling, this contemplation of a never-ending process. Simply inserting a small metallic triangle automatically triggers the need to counterbalance it, in a systematic, yet simultaneously playful, process, in which the gestaltian rules are combined with a distinctive sensibility while, at the same time, inviting civil coexistence and continuous dialogue. If her works are mainly two-dimensional, she also frequently works with ceramics and producing objects whose rigorous structures dissolve into the naturalness of the impression and the gesture.
[Roberto Agnoletti]