The imposter, the misfit, the marginalized, the excuded; the outside world that surrounds us, populated with faces and stories we refuse to see, refuse to hear. This is what Roberto Carradori's works portray: a society made up of people too often pushed to the boundaries of collective attention. Street stories reflected by the artist with the same immediate communicative force as a snapshot; an image that catapults the observer into the dark corner of a forgotten suburb, into the midst of a crowd in raging dissent, to a waiting room filled with the lonely and the elderly, to the child begging on the edge of the sidewalk. The work delves into the human conscience, shaking it up to overpower the guilty and inhuman indifference: an act of responsibility to which Carradori's work calls to us through the power of images that dig down deep inside.
This is a rare breed of artist who is deeply commited to society, providing a voice for those who have none. One who swims against the tide of conformity, with a style similarly just as far from the status quo: a distint close up of the scene; a symbolic use of perspective and space to represent the subject's state of mind; large and clear blocks of background colour laid out to compose a striking mosaic of figures, faces and identities. Each of his works asks a quesion: what would happen to our comfortable lives if we were on the other side, in the painted scene, amongst those who have been forgotten by the world?
A question that Carradori poses us, together with a message of hope for humanity.
[Daniela Pronestì]